How Online Learning with eClasses Works

Online Learning CertificatesFour certificate programs are offered:
Web Technologies
Web Programming
Web Graphics and Multimedia
Web Business
Each certificate program requires the completion of 4 or 5 classes

How Online Learning with eClasses Works
The courses are offered entirely over the Internet and typically last about 6 weeks. Course offerings overlap so it's easy to start just about any time you're ready.
Lectures and assignments are posted by the instructor within the classroom web site. Students can interact online, both with their fellow students and with the instructor by using the message boards in the classroom or by asking direct questions within an assignment. All classes are led by one or more instructors who are active practitioners of the subject they're teaching.

It Can Pay to Join the Club
Costs per class depend on the subject, but generally range from 180 to 270 per class plus required texts (if any). Once you've completed the class successfully, you can order a certificate for $6.00.Even my local community technical college doesn't offer classes in that price range.
You can save money by joining the International Webmasters Association (IWA)/HTML Writer's Guild (HWG) at a cost of $49 per year.
An example of how you can save money this way is that the introductory Flash course is $100 for members and $200 for nonmembers. So membership could have its rewards even if you only took one class.
Membership is not restricted to Web experts. The organization states that "Any individual that is interested in the study of Web technologies is encouraged to join the IWA-HWG as a Full or Trial Member"

Online Learning - Learning on Your Own Terms
Quality online learning programs can be an inexpensive way to learn such techniques whenever it's convenient for you. With the eClasses program, you log in whenever you can during the week. As long as your assignements are posted on time, you can learn whenever you can spare the time.
Having the flexibility to do what you want when you want to is a very large part of why we become home-based business owners and telecommuters in the first place. Being able to learn on your own terms is just one more way we can use to achieve a healthy work life balance.
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